Naughty stories and other miscellaneous bullshit by Lord Wesley / The Orc King

Saturday, August 3, 2019

(Audio) Avengers: Infinity Whore Issue #5 America's Ass in London

The trickster Goddess Loki infiltrated the New York Sanctum and took the Titty Ring from Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch.

Meanwhile, Captain America, Black Widow, and the Winter Soldier head to London to investigate strange readings that could lead to one of the six Infinity Rings...

(Audio) Avengers: Infinity Whore Issue #4 Wizard's Sleeve

Thanos and Loki decimated Asgard and lured Thor and Petra Parker into a trap. The Mad Titan took the Moist Ring, adding it to the other two in her collection. The other three rings lie on earth and Thanos and Loki make haste. Meanwhile, the Milano arrived on Asgard and the Guardians of the Galaxy found the defeated Avengers. With the rainbow bridge gone the only option is to take the long way home...